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Phenol Sensitivity
Phenol sensitivity Phenol sensitivity is common issue with individuals on the autism-spectrum, including those with ADD/ADHD. It can also be an exacerbating problem for
Homeopathic medicine- how to use them
Homeopathic Medications Please follow these simple rules to get the maximum benefit from your medications. Handling the Medication Properly * Don=t store or use
Zinc sources of food
FOOD SOURCES OF ZINC Major Zinc Containing Sources * Oysters * Meat * Eggs * Seafood * Vegetables * Dairy * Fruits * Grains
Food sensitivities can cause a variety of symptoms
Why Test for Food Sensitivities? Days may pass before symptoms appear
Acne Facial Treatment
Acne Facial Directions: Do everything 2 times a day when you have some time follow this order of doing things: 1. Wash with the
Mercury Levels in Fish
Guide to Mercury Levels in Fish Very Low Below Average Shrimp Pollock Sardines Atlantic Mackerel Tilapia Anchovies, Herring, Shad Oysters/mussels Flounder, Sole, and Plaice
Basal Body Temperature
Basal Body Temperature Your body temperature reflects your metabolic rate, and is largely determined by hormones secreted from the thyroid gland. The function of
Detox & Diets
Liver Detox Support Live and Detox Support: Helps to increase bile flow to upregulate detox and provide protection for liver cells Digestive Health: Aids in reducing gut permeability and promoting a healthier gut microbiome
Protocol for DMSA Provocation Challenge (1) Stop all non-essential medications and multi-mineral supplements 24 hours before administration of DMSA. Fish and shellfish should be avoided for ~1 week prior to the challenge. (2) On patient’s
New Raw Detox System: You make in Vitamixer, Cuisinart, or strong blender Raw Lemon Ginger Blast Drink 1 every day in AM wait 60 min before you next meal Ingredients 1 bunch Celery
Liver detox: Estrogen dominance: 1. NAC: 600 mg bid (support conjugation of E2 in liver) 2. Decreasing intestinal absorption: Calcium-D-glucarate 3. Fix the gut 4. Supporting fecal excretion: Fiber, Mg, Aloe ferrox 5. Supporting
WHERES CORN FOOD Corn is Found in the Following Envelopes Foods fried Labels French dressings Stamps Frostings Stickers Fruits: Tapes Canned Aspirin and other tablets Fruit juices Bacon Frying fats Baking mixes: Gelatin capsules
FOOD SOURCES OF ZINC Major Zinc Containing Sources * Oysters * Meat * Eggs * Seafood * Vegetables * Dairy * Fruits * Grains * Legumes * Seeds (esp. pumpkin seeds) RDA for Zinc
Thyroids Diet Increase iodine intake- (Unless you have Hashimoto’s or Graves’) lodine is an important catalyst that leads to the healthy production of thyroid hormone. -Sea vegetables (kelp,dulse)- Saltwaterfishand seafood- Eggs- lodized sea salt-
Introduction of Solid Foods to Infants For the first 6 months of life, breast mild is the only food required by most infants. Premature infants normally thrive on breast milk as it provides essential
Natural - Weight loss
WHAT IS A HEALTHY DIET? God had given us a smorgasbord of hundreds of foods as our heritage. With the technology of today, we can eat just about any food we want any time
PANTOTHENIC ACID: VITAMIN B5 Pantothenic acid plays a very important part in metabolism and stress resistance. Its major role is to combine with other molecules to form coenzyme A, a required compound for energy
Vitamin C Facts • Inhibits Cytokine Storm 1. Immunomodulation 2. Antioxidant/Anti-Inflammatory • Anti-Viral – Disrupts Virus Replication
VIT D HANDOUT: STORY AT-A-GLANCE – Several recent studies demonstrate vitamin D can have a significantly beneficial impact on your cancer risk, both in terms of preventing cancer and in the treatment of
What is L-Tyrosine. For weight loss: This is actually a supplement form of the amino acid tyrosine. This amino acid is one of the non-essential ones. This doesn’t mean you don’t need it per
Newest Wt. loss and overall body composition enhancing natural meds: Increasing metabolism from Tailor Made: Weight Loss: Sermorelin/Glycine: Sermorelin works to burn fat by stimulating the production and release of hormones by the pituitary.
Decreasing Appetite Oxytocin for weight management has been shown to decrease overall weight through reduced caloric consumption in both animal and human models. Data suggests this is done by modulating the activation of hedonic
Churchill Center Weight Loss Superfood Smoothie Ingredients: 100% Maca Root Powder Organic Collagen + MCT Creamer (coconut milk flavor) Collagen Peptides (from bovine hide) Coconut Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) Grass-Fed Collagen (unflavored)
VAGINAL YEAST INFECTIONS Y Stat™ Suppositories are a highly concentrated vaginal delivery of boric acid, berberis concentrate, calendula officinalis, and hydrastis canadensis. In a study, boric acid was effective in curing 98% of the
HOME SELF-CARE FOR YEAST INFECTIONS: ** Boric acid and acidophilus capsules — fill 00 capsules with boric acid (available at any drugstore). Insert one boric acid capsules and two lactobacillus capsules into vagina every
WARMING SOCKS TREATMENT The wet sock treatment is best if repeated for three nights in a row, unless otherwise instructed by your physician. Procedure: 1. Warm your feet first. This is very important as
The wet sock treatment is best if repeated for three nights in a row, or as instructed by your physician. Indications: Sore throat or any inflammation or infection of the throat, neck pain, ear