PRP AND STEM CELLS TREATMENT Stem cells Work for all these different kind of skin damage! • Free Radical – Induced Skin Damage • Inflammation – Induced Skin Loss of Skin Elasticity • Premature
Stem cell or Face lift detox: if Patient is toxic or their PRP is cloudy. Need to do for 1-2 weeks before we do the procedure: 1. 4-4-4 Cellcore take as directed 2. Therbiotic complete
Sermorelin w/Glycine combination : Boost Metabolism Growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRH) aren’t fast to initiate weight loss, usually take 6-8 weeks to see changes. For this reason they are often stacked with another product
Benefits of IGF-1LR3 (long acting IGF-1) Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), also called somatomedin C, is a protein hormone involved in cell growth. IGF-1 has powerful building effects on almost all cells types, particularly muscle,
What does a bacteria found in the guts of silkworms have to do with your varicose veins? Well, I’m here to tell you that one powerful enzyme, serrapeptase, is the key. But it helps with much more than the discomfort of varicose veins.
SigA gut health: Clinical applications of secretory IgA antibody testing • Production is stimulated by bacteria & viruses, which are removed by sIgA and phagocytosis • Patients deficient in sIgA are susceptible to pathogens
CHINESE HERB SITZ BATH For Genital Herpes Genital Herpes Soak/Sitz Bath Herbs Huang Qin/Scutelaria 15g Huang Bai/Philodendron 15g Da Huang/Rhubarb 15g Ka Shen/Sophora F. 15g Da Qing Ye/Isatis leaf 15g Ban Lan Gen/Isatis root
SkinPen can treat a large array of skin irregularities and signs of aging, such as: Acne Scarring / Ice Pick Scarring Old Chickenpox marks Rough, Uneven skin texture and/or tone
Smoothie recipes: 1. Morning Breakfast Smoothie Recipe Natures Whey Protein – Vanilla 1 scoop Granulated Soya Lecithin – 2 TBSP. Organic Flax Seeds, Freshly ground in coffee bean grinder, 2-4T until stool is AOK
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