After Care For Cellular Medicine Patient Instructions ï Applying some form of heat therapy after your treatment will keep the healing process going stronger: for joint injections. 1. Heating pad 15-30 min 2x/day AM
What is cell therapy and why does it work? Different components of cell therapy Best companies: Invitrx and Kimera Cord blood stem cells (CBSC): Invitra CBSC 1. Harvested from umbilical cord blood 2. Cord
PRP AND STEM CELLS TREATMENT Stem cells Work for all these different kind of skin damage! • Free Radical – Induced Skin Damage • Inflammation – Induced Skin Loss of Skin Elasticity • Premature
Stem cell or Face lift detox: if Patient is toxic or their PRP is cloudy. Need to do for 1-2 weeks before we do the procedure: 1. 4-4-4 Cellcore take as directed 2. Therbiotic complete
MSC stem cell products are derived from the umbilical cord of healthy, full term babies and contains various cytokines, proteins, growth factors, and cell populations that aid in the repair, healing, replacement, or supplementation
Strep Throat Formula: 1. Garlic 5 drams 2. Mahonia 5 drams 3. Jamaican Dogwood: 6 drams 4. Usnea: 6 drams 5. Echinacea 10 drams 1 tsp 3x/day for 10 days
Dr. Churchill’s Super Food Smoothie 1. Billy’s Infinity Greens: Spirulina, E3 Klamath Algae, & E3 Extract, Chlorella, plus: 2 scoops 23% Herbal complex- (Maca Root, Horsetail, Burdock Root, Nopal Cactus, Aloe Vera) 8% Antioxidant
Symptoms of estrogen dominance in men If we are talking about estrogen dominance as a bad thing, it is not because estrogen is detrimental by itself. It is a hormone in males and females,
Introduction of Solid Foods to Infants For the first 6 months of life, breast mild is the only food required by most infants. Premature infants normally thrive on breast milk as it provides essential
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