BOWEL CLEANSING PROGRAM For the next three days eat only the items circled below. 1) Fruit juices diluted 50% with pure water. Avoid juices made from concentrates. Suggestions include apple, pear, papaya, fresh orange,
CLEANSING AND MAINTAINENCE DIET Preparation Cleansing diets are designed to release toxins from storage in the body’s cells and tissues. When toxins are released from cells, they enter the blood stream and can cause
CLEANSING DIET Breakfasts- Fresh fruit with or without yogurt Toast Oatmeal with raisins or prunes (or other hot cereal) Grapefruit or other fresh fruit Medicinal tea Lunches- Fresh green leafy salad with other miscellaneous
Diabetes Type 2: NIDDM: Diet: ½ plate = veg (fresh and frozen no canned). ¼ plate = prot. Good sources, 1/8 plate = fat and 1/8 = CHO (nuts, seeds, legumes, grains slow burning
The Churchill Center: 714 519-2121 or Elimination/Challenge Diet The elimination and challenge diet are designed to omit suspected food intolerances and irritants from the diet for 7 to 14 days. Once this is
HYPOALLERGENIC DIET DAY BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Monday watermelon yams and salmon and or pears pecans cauliflower Tuesday apples or cream of brown cod and pears rice and brown asparagus rice syrup Wednesday pineapple or
Paleo-Mediterranean Diet: All Fresh fruits and Vegetables (think “colors” – red, green, yellow, orange, blue, purple etc.), garlic, onions, ginger, Turmeric = Curcumin Raw nuts and seeds (i.e. walnuts, almonds, pumpkin and
Digestion and other Nutritional/Metabolism Pearls from Dr. Churchill: 1. Don’t cook in oil and no high temps 2. Don’t eat smoked foods 3. Eat at least 2 servings of fruits and veg/day raw or
Digestion and other Nutritional/Metabolism Pearls from Dr. Churchill: DO’S 1. Eat at least 2 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, raw or steamed is best 2. Fish: eat 1-2x/week (no big fish: sword,
SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN Detoxamin rectal suppositories Removes heavy metals from body overnight. High EDTA absorption & tissue concentration is proven in high-tech lab analysis Enhances feelings of vitality, increased energy and well being Supports cardiovascular
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