BOWEL CLEANSING/DETOX PLAN PURE WATER for the day should be 6 eight ounce glasses EXERCISE lightly 15-20 minutes a day SHOWER or BATH with a Loffa sponge For the next 3 days, eat from
BOWEL CLEANSING PROGRAM For the next three days eat only the items circled below. 1) Fruit juices, diluted 50% with pure water. Avoid juices made from concentrates. Suggestions include apple, pear, papaya, fresh orange,
RULES FOR BOWEL RETRAINING 1. Find and eliminate known causes: a. Diet – highly refined, low-fiber foods b. Inadequate fluid intake c. Physical inactivity – inadequate exercise, prolonged bed-rest d. Drugs – anaesthetics, antacids,
ALUMINUM TOXICITY Symptoms: digestive disorders seizures colic, gas motor & behavioral dysfunction gastritis skin rash senile dementia headache Sources of Possible Exposure: anti-perspirants antacids toothpaste baking powder emulsifier in cheese processing salt- anticaking ingredient
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