AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS Position Paper on Childhood Vaccinations WHEREAS the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) is a strong proponent of preventive medicine and of the protection of children and adults from
Excerpt from a lecture by Heather Zwicky Ph.D. Immunologist from Yale, now teaching at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in OR. Vaccine Additives: Often considered a “Trade secret” so they are not listed
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS Position Paper on Childhood Vaccinations WHEREAS the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) is a strong proponent of preventive medicine and of the protection of children and adults from
The Safety Review of Thimerosal-containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Conducted by the Institute of Medicine In 2001, the Institute of Medicine convened a committee (the Immunization Safety Review Committee) to review selected issues related
PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF VAGINAL INFECTIONS Vaginal infections have numerous causes. Many women experience a vaginal discharge and, in many cases, it is normal and may vary with the menses cycle or pregnancy. If
CHRONIC VAGINAL INFECTION 1. Use the Vitamin A suppositories nightly for 6 nights consecutively followed by 2. Vag pack suppository nightly for 6 nights followed by 3. Vitamin A suppository nightly for 6 nights
Vaginal insufflation (VI) Ozone treatment: This is best done while lying down. Insert the probe or a catheter 4 inches or fully into the vagina. If you are using a humidifier it needs to
VAG PACKS To make a vag pack: Take 31/2 to 4 inches of lambs wool and lay flat. Spread it out so it is of uniform thickness and wider than found in the package.
VAGINAL YEAST INFECTIONS Description: Y Stat™ Suppositories are a highly concentrated vaginal delivery of boric acid, berberis concentrate, calendula officinalis, and hydrastis canadensis. In a study, boric acid was effective in curing 98% of
Hemp: in 50g of hemp there is 15.3 g or protein In 25g or Hemp there is 7.65g of protein
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