Graves /Hyperthyroidism Nutrition: 1. Diet should be high caloric until normal weight has been reached and may be high in protein initially until tissue wasting has stopped
Hypothyroid / Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Signs & Symptoms: EENT: night blindness serous OM is common receding gums scalloped tongue SKIN: dry, scaly hyperkeratosis- chicken skin (arm, thigh, buttocks) NAILS: weak and fragile Peeling HAIR: thinning
This diet includes fresh whole fruits, vegetables, nuts (especially almonds), seeds, olive oil, lean meats rich in n-3 fatty acids, garlic, dark chocolate, and red wine in moderation. Foods to Include Foods to Exclude
The body is capable of processing thousands of chemicals using hydrolysis, oxidation, glutathione
Traumeel Injection Solution
The Phenomenon of Traumeel & Why to Use Traumeel Injection works even better than topical gel and cream: • Inflammation is a complex, multifactorial process, which is essential to tissue repair, e.g. after muscle
Triple Treatment: Used for people who: *Cannot gain or maintain a healthy weight * Loss of muscle from using steroidal medications * Have bone pain from osteoporosis. Used to help regain Lean Muscle Weight
TTITUDINAL EXERCISES for PATIENTS It is critical in the treatment of the patient with cancer to allow an open line of communication which instills trust in the patient. Honesty, empathy, respect, hope and faith
Liver Detox Support Live and Detox Support: Helps to increase bile flow to upregulate detox and provide protection for liver cells Digestive Health: Aids in reducing gut permeability and promoting a healthier gut microbiome
Thymus Therapy 1. INDICATIONS Allergic/atopic diseases: e.g. bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis. Prevention of diseases of ageing: e.g. postponement of the “chain” of degenerative diseases. Autoimmune diseases: e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, disseminated
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