How to Decrease Colds, Flu, and Infections 122 When you first feel yourself become sick there are things you can do to avoid becoming ill or to shorten the duration of the illness. These
How to Stave Off Colds, Flus and Infections When you first feel yourself becoming sick, there are things you can do to avoid becoming ill or to shorten the duration of the illness. These
Comfrey – Symphytum off. Poultice: Well dried roots are finely ground, mixed quickly with very hot water and a few drops of cooking oil and spread on a piece of linen, applied warm on
Comfrey – Symphytum off. Poultice: Well dried roots are finely ground, mixed quickly with very hot water and a few drops of cooking oil and spread on a piece of linen, applied warm on
What You Need to Know About Condoms Condoms have come out of the closet as a sign of responsible love making and provide protection for you and your partner which might just save your
IDEAS FOR IMPROVING BOWEL FUNCTION – Good, high fiber, nutritious diet
Constipation Constipation refers to the incomplete or infrequent passage of stools are well as difficulty passing stools. There are three main causes for constipation. These are: neurogenic, muscular and mechanical. These factors are often
Constitutional Hydrotherapy Treatment Constitutional hydrotherapy promotes detoxification, improves nutrition, and increases immunity. Heals and strengthens the immune system. Indications: A constitutional hydrotherapy treatment can be applied in almost any acute or chronic health condition
Overview of Contraceptive Techniques I. HORMONAL METHODS 1. Birth Control Pills Action: Inhibition of ovulation, decreased rate of ovum transport, decreased implantation, thickened cervical mucus, and decreased ability of sperm to penetrate the ovum.
COPPER TOXICITY Symptoms: mental disorders schizophrenia anemia arthritis hypertension insomnia nausea, vomiting autism hyperactivity stuttering myocardial infarction toxemia of pregnancy Wilson’s disease inflammation of liver Sources of Possible Exposure: copper water pipes and copper
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